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Re: [ceqli] Re: New Story

On Jul 28, 2007, at 12:54 PM, Jim Henry wrote:

On 7/25/07, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:
--- In ceqli@yahoogroups.com, "Jim Henry" <jimhenry1973@...> wrote:

It struck me recently that I was going about this in an awkward way. Trying to write original material in Ceqli is inhibiting, because I need my writing brain and my Ceqli brain
both on at once.

Contrariwise, trying to translate a text is inhibiting in another way — I can't stand not
Anyhow, retelling a story like I'm doing here seems to get me past both those problems. I go directly from the meaning in my head to the writing, as opposed to figuring out what

That sounds like a good plan.  Another good way might be to
work from fables or fairy-tales which exist in many variants
and of which you can fabulate your own native-Ceqli version
without feeling like you have to translate, strictly speaking,
a specific text.

Yes. I was, as you know, working on the Three Bears in just such a way, and I'll go back to it.

Something I've found useful is writing my journal in my
conlang gjâ-zym-byn -- much easier than writing original
stories or translating texts.  That woudn't be for
public consumption, I reckon, but it would help you
become fluent in the language so you can write
other things more easily...  Or you could try blogging
in Ceqli?

Good thought! But it brings up the question, how do you say "blog" in Ceqli? I could just borrow it direct, as "bloq," subbing q for g. BTW, I realized recently that I could borrow Japanese words like 'tamago' into Ceqli, as the intervocalic Japanese 'g' is pronounced 'q,' So why not generalize it, as a last resort, and when all else fails, I could borrow roots that fit except for a 'g' in the middle, by converting it to 'q'.

So I could start up 'to ceqlizo bloq'. Maybe I could post a translated cartoon daily and everybody could have fun translating it back into English. Would that work on THIS board? I'll try attaching one.

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