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Isaac Penzev wrote:
Kay scripsit:The word is /tarjama/ (to translate, 3rd person.m.sg) , which is one of quadriliteral verbs. Root TRJM. Form 1.That's great, but is it really Stem I?
Yes, it is Form I of quadriliteral verb (CVCCVCV) - TaRJaMa.
I thought quadriliteral verbs have Stem II as their basic form, treating 2nd and 3rd consonants as if a doubled 2nd?
No. Forms of Quadriliteral verbs are different from those of triliteral verbs. Although Form I of quadriliteral verbs is conjugated like Form II of triliteral verbs, they are not identical and treated as different forms.
You are right on the doubled 2nd consonants of Form II of triliteral verbs. The 2nd and 3rd consonants are identical in Form II of Tri., as 'f' is doubled in the example.
> E.g. naffaDa - yunaffiDu - munaffiDu 'to carry out'.'Elementary Modern Standard Arabic' by Peter F.Abboud & Ernest N. McCarus, says - 'Quadriliteral verbs have a simple From (QI) and three derived Forms (QII, III, and IV.) Forms QIII and IV are quite rare'
'Quite rear' here implies they did exist in classical Arabic, I think.'A Grammar of the Arabic Language' by W.Wright, which deals with classical Arabic, shows tables including 4 forms of QI, II, III, and IV. Below is from the table.
[Root /qmTr/ is used as model here] ----------------------- perfect --- imperfect ---- verbal noun ---- Form I ( CVCCVCV) - qamTara - yuqamTiru - qamTaratun & qimTaarun Form II (taCVCCVCV) - taqamTara - yataqamTaru - taqamTurun Form III (iCCVnCVCV) - iqmanTara - yaqmanTiru - iqminTaarun Form IV (iCCVCVCCV) - iqmaTarra - yaqmaTirru - iqmiTraarun (Form I has 2 verbal noun forms)(Form IV has 5 consonants because the 4th of stem consontant is doubled: the 4th and 5th are identical.)
Kay@japan ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: ::: :::