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Fwd: borrowed translation

--- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote:
> Date:         Tue, 18 Nov 2003 20:15:56 -0800
> From: Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email>
> Subject:      borrowed translation
> To: conlang@hidden.email
> Can any one explain to me the difference between the
> two following Arabic forms?
> targim
> yitargim
> I find most of the verbs in my Arabic dictionary
> have
> two forms one with yi- and one with out.  Is there
> one
> form or the other which would be more likely to be
> borrowed and if so why?
> The possible C-a forms would be:
> tadjimiri
> targimiri
> idardjimiri
> idargimiri
> jidadjimiri
> jidargimiri
> What think ye?
> Adam
> =====
> Fached il prori ul pañeveju djul atexindu mutu chu.
> -- Carrajena proverb

Fached il prori ul pañeveju mutu chu djul atexindu.
-- Carrajena proverb