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Usted (was: Re: Zhyler)


Steg eskribiw:

> > aquí". |Ostad| is NOT "Usted", that's from Ar. |;usta;D| "master".
> -
> I never thought of that...
> Is it possible that there is some kind of connection between Spanish
> |usted| and Arabic |;usta;D| (to use your transcription)?  Everyone
> always says that |usted| comes from a contraction of |vuestra

1. It's not a transcription. It's a transliteration. Discussions on
transliterations are opened in another thread.

2. I've got no Spanish ethymologic dictionary. The only on-line
dictionary I found confirms the idea of |vuestra merced|. I'm not sure
I want to go to a library for just one word. And I just like the way
it works. Rumiya melts together Ibero-Romance and Arabic elements just
as English combines Anglo-Saxon and French. E.g. |darseriya|
"classroom" < Ar. |dars| "lesson" + Ib. |-ería| "local nouns".

I enjoy naturalistic conlangs...

> -Stephen (Steg)
>  "En Catalañazor / perdió Almanzor / el atambor."
