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Re: [westasianconlangs] Zhyler (was Re: Howdy)
- From: DigitalScream@hidden.email
- Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 15:04:59 EST
- Subject: Re: [westasianconlangs] Zhyler (was Re: Howdy)
- To: westasianconlangs@yahoogroups.com
Iyi gunler!
<<That's nice. Did you try to checkif any natlangs have class suffixes? I
recollect Bantu and North Caucasian ones. They have prefixes, but I need to
investigate more.>>
No, actually. And now that I think of it, I can't think of any. I know Swahili has prefixes, and languages like Dyirbal have separate words which come first... Oh, Middle Egyptian has suffixed class hieroglyphs that are only orthographic. In other words, you can take a word and change its determinative and change whether it's human male, human female, animal, god, building, abstract... All with no change in the sound of it.
<<So, IMHO, it's better to eliminate infinitive than a class
indicator... I would be more consistent...>>
Yeah, the more and more I think about it, the more and more this seems like the right thing to do. Now I just need to sit down and do it...
<<You're always welcome. But could you please avoid using HTML? Some ppl here
cannot read it. (I can, but I prefer palin text too.)>>
I was under the impression that I wasn't using HTML... On the website it has the option of converting to HTML, and I deselected it. Any ideas where I can go to fix it?
<<P.S. btw, words of welcome were written not in Arabic, but in Rumiya -- an
Arabo-Romance conlang of mine. It's very, very raw yet, still on the
experimental stage, hasn't reached any reasonable stability. So, a
correction: the second phrase should be read: "Somos fèlitzos berLo a-Ostad
aquí". |Ostad| is NOT "Usted", that's from Ar. |;usta;D| "master".>>
I noticed. :) And I had always assumed that /usted/ (Spanish) came from /ustaaD/ (Arabic). Is this not so?
"imDeziZejDekp2wilDez ZejDekkinel..."
"You can celebrate anything you want..."
-John Lennon