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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, "thomasruhm" <thomas@...> wrote: > > I did only see now, that that was on topic. I am interested in Vulgar Latin palatalization much, but I find it very strange. > > It looks like if 'tSi' for 'ti' and 'tsi' for 'ci' are the oldest forms. Old High German already took 'ts' from french Latin for older 'tSi'. > > The descriptions one can read about it are so obscure. > > Retic latin, at about the ninth century often got 'ci' for 'ti' even though Retoromance has 'ts' as often as Italian. > Rhetic "latin" was most likely the written mode for Rhaeto-romance until the 9th or 10th centuries. Someone wrote "Diderros ne habe diege muschas" in the 9th or 10th centuries in Switzerland.