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Adam Walker wrote:
I've just finished html-ifying my translation of Psalm 1 into Carrajina. I was going to link it to my translation of the first three chapters of Matthew through my "Texts" page by setting up a "Bible" page where I'd link any further bits as I translate them (I'm almost through with Ps. 117.) But I have a problem. I don't know what the C-an word for _Bible_ is. If I make it a fully nativized word, it would be: Bibja /'bib.Z@/ If I make it a semi-learned borrowing, it would be: Bibua /'bib.w@/ If I make it a learned borrowing, it would be: Biblia /bIb'li.@/ Any input?
To my knowledge the only Romance language where it is not a learned loan is Italian, where it it _Bibbia_. Perhaps it is SCRIPTURA rather than BIBLIA? In Finnish it is _Raamattu_, borrowed from Greek _Grammata/Grammaton_ by way of pre-Russian (where stressed /'a/ became /Q:/ which later became /a/ and unstressed /a/ became /Q/ which later became /o/. IIRC it's _Gramota_ in Russian as well. BTW did the Donatists split off before the NT canon was finalized? In Rhodrese BIBLIA would be either _Bibre_ /'bibrI/ or _Bible_ /'biblI/ depending on dialect and degree of learnedness. The latter could have a popular plural _Bibo_ or a learned plural identical to the singular, as used when referring to copies/physical books. If the plural was frequently used there may arise an analogical singular in _Beb-_. SCRIPTURA would be _Screuture_ /skrY'turI/. Even _Gramade_ is a possibility for Old Rhodrese, since the archbishopric of Lugdunum is said to have had strong Greek connexions, and since in Lucus it would certainly develop into an autocefalous Church. /BP 8^)> -- Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch atte melroch dotte se ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "C'est en vain que nos Josu�s litt�raires crient � la langue de s'arr�ter; les langues ni le soleil ne s'arr�tent plus. Le jour o� elles se *fixent*, c'est qu'elles meurent." (Victor Hugo)