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Why not something based on "euangelion"? In the World, there is really no such thing as a "Bible". There are simply collections of scriptures with varying canons and traditional lists. Many churches, particularly in the East, do not even own a full compliment. The collections are roughly divided into "proeuangelion", what would be roughly equated with the O.T. *here*, and the "euangelion", which is the gospels and post-gospel scriptures (letters and apocalypses and the like). Curiously, the exact composition of a collection of scriptures is not set forth in church rules. Local and congregational traditions may vary as to what books are included. A survey done some years ago indicates that Thomas and the Diatessary harmonisation are the two most common books found in a typical euangel. For what happens in the C. world, I'd ask are other liturgical / religious terms "nativised", part learned or wholly learned terms? I would *suspect* they tend towards the latter, and that biblia or bibua should be chosen. But if they are a highly vernacular church, then bibja would be the obvious choice. Padraic --- On Tue, 1/27/09, Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: From: Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> Subject: Re: [romconlang] Recent discovery in Carrajina To: romconlang@yahoogroups.com Date: Tuesday, January 27, 2009, 10:17 PM I've just finished html-ifying my translation of Psalm 1 into Carrajina. I was going to link it to my translation of the first three chapters of Matthew through my "Texts" page by setting up a "Bible" page where I'd link any further bits as I translate them (I'm almost through with Ps. 117.) But I have a problem. I don't know what the C-an word for _Bible_ is. If I make it a fully nativized word, it would be: Bibja /'bib.Z@/ If I make it a semi-learned borrowing, it would be: Bibua /'bib.w@/ If I make it a learned borrowing, it would be: Biblia /bIb'li.@/ Any input? Adam Niviachigadu ul omu fi nu nul cunsiju djuls ímfius avevad amvuinadu, fi ni nal via djuls pecadorus avevad pedizadu, fi ni nul sedigu djuls zagagadus avevad xedjidigadu. Saumu 1:1 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]