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Re: [romconlang] Recent discovery in Carrajina

--- Benct Philip Jonsson <bpj@hidden.email> wrote:
> To my knowledge the only Romance language where it
> is not
> a learned loan is Italian, where it it _Bibbia_.
> Perhaps it is SCRIPTURA rather than BIBLIA?
> In Finnish it is _Raamattu_, borrowed from Greek
> _Grammata/Grammaton_ by way of pre-Russian
> (where stressed /'a/ became /Q:/ which later became
> /a/
> and unstressed /a/ became /Q/ which later became
> /o/.
> IIRC it's _Gramota_ in Russian as well.
> BTW did the Donatists split off before the NT canon
> was finalized?

It was about 100 years after.  The canon was pretty
well decided by the eary to mid 200's and the Donatist
controversy started in the early 300's but wasn't
irreparable until the mid part of the century.  

The info about _gramaton_ is interesting and tempting,
but I'm affraid C-a is too much a Latin land for a
completely different term to be embraced.

I'm leaning toward _Biblia_, but haven't decided for
sure yet.


Niviachigadu ul omu fi nu nul cunsiju djuls �mfius avevad amvuinadu, fi ni nal via djuls pecadorus avevad pedizadu, fi ni nul sedigu djuls zagagadus avevad xedjidigadu.

Saumu 1:1