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Re: [romconlang] Names

Carl Edlund Anderson skrev:

> A proto-Romance voiceless bilabial fricative, p\ ??? Or is
> that too dramatic? I haven't checked my sources at all,
> here, just speculating ....

I don't know about PR, but IANM Latin F remained [p\] for
some time.

> Is there a possibility in these Biblical names that
> learned spellings/pronunciations are affecting
> popular usage?

There is proof. Consider the Latinized/Hellenized name of
Flauius Iosephus, _Ioseph_ in the Vulgate, and Italian
_Giuseppe_! The last may be an adaptation of the second, but
the first should have become **Giusep(p)o or **Giusef(f)o.

/BP 8^)
  B.Philip Jonsson mailto:melrochX@hidden.email (delete X)
"Truth, Sir, is a cow which will give [skeptics] no more milk,
and so they are gone to milk the bull."
                                    -- Sam. Johnson (no rel. ;)