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--- Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote: > --- Adam Walker <carrajena@hidden.email> wrote: > > > Here are the ofenders. Any guesses as to what > I was thinking? > > Cor, I love a conlang mystery! Let's see... > > > jumvi < aunque > > Perhaps "someone", like aliquis? > That c�uld have been the meaning. But I still can't find any reference to "aunque" anywhere. > > indavi < ainda que > > Perhaps "someone" or "anyone" or something along > those lines? Inde seems to have become an > indefinite pronoun in V.L. and formed compounds > with other words. Have to look that one up. Sounds possible. In which case I'd think my intention had been something along the lines of "thus" inde qui > indaqui > indavi. The soundchanges work. "For that reason" + "somehow" = thus. I remember agonizing over "thus" and producing several dozen alternates before choosing. Now I need to see if I have use for this alternate. > > > imveri < ? (I've lost even the etymon for this > one!) > > Could this one mean "Winter"? It is the case on > O.Pr. (et al) that an N is apparently mistakenly > inserted, as if folk etymological forces wanted > there to be a known prefix "in-" in stead of a > more mysterious "i-". > I don't think so, but I'll have to do some digging. I notice that "winter" is indeed missing from the list of English words in the dictionary. > > Then there are a few others that I can't > remeber the > > origins of: > > > > edjuebu = then < ? (I had thought this one of > Greek > > origin since it first appears in my translation > of > > Jesus' geneology in Matthew 1, but I no longer > believe > > that to be the case.) > > It's not ex+duobus is it? No, judging from its > use in Machu 1, it's obviously "became", assuming > "indjindrud" = then (inde+introitus perhaps? or > perhaps inde+intra+ud??). In any event, -u seems > to be a 3s ending while -ud doesn't seem to be. > No, "indjindrud" = engendered/begat. Edjuebu translates the Latin "autem" or Greek "de" in the Matthew text. > > aduvidari - to accuse of lying, to call someone > a > > liar, to accuse of perjury < ? I suspect this > one is > > Lt. ad- + (something) + -are, but I can't > recall what > > the "something" might be. > > How about ad+dubitum+are > adubitare? Gives the > sense of doubting veracity. > That is almost certainly what I'd intended, and, at any rate, is now the official explination! > > Finally, does anyone know the literal > > translation of > > the Arabic qalat dagga, the name of another > > North African spice blend? > > Sorry, I can't help with this one. > Well, you've helped greatly already! Adam Jin xividjilud djal su�u ed falud ul Jozevu pomu instanchid ul andjelu djul Dominu sivi, ed idavi achibid jun al su sposa. Ed nun aved cu�uxud ad sivi ancha nadud jan ad ul sua huiju primodjindu ed cuamad il su numi ul Jezu. Machu 1:24-25