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Re: [romconlang] Albionika, syllabification, stress, and sound changes

On Wed, 18 Aug 2004 10:38:08 +0100, Carl Edlund Anderson <cea@hidden.email> wrote:
This is why I wanted to go back and ask opinions on the syllabification
and stress pattern .... Though I suppose if the "i" gets attracted to
the /b/ as a /j/ in "Vulgar Albionika" anyway, then perhaps I have to
figure out how to deal with /al.'bjo.ni:.ka:/ anyway. I couldn't think
of many Latin words containing /'bjo/ to use as guides, though!

/bj/ generally goes to a [Z]-type sound.   Compare Fr. <cage> and Sp. <caja> (*cavja = cavea) and <rouge> and <rojo> (*rubjo = rubeum, IIRC)

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