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Re: [romconlang] Re: Days of the week (fi: Translation exercise)

Jan van Steenbergen scripsit:

> "Good heavens, I'm never going to make it to the last train! Now I'll
> have to spend the rest of the night at the station! Oh poor me!"
> "Well, don't be too worried about that, dear. Why don't we go to
> my place and a nice, hot cup of coffee? I can show you my stamps
> collection, too. And if you like, you can sleep there as well. Be sure
> that I'm not trying to get you anywhere! If I had a car, I'd certainly
> love to bring you home."

Recte "get anywhere with you".

> "Well, okay then. I guess we could do that. We haven't much of a choice,
> have we?"

Oddly enough, 25 years ago it was I who kept missing the last bus, and
it took a long time for my future wife to believe that I wasn't doing
this as a ploy, but simply out of sheer geekiness: that long ago, the
geek stereotype didn't enjoy, shall we say, nearly so much understanding
by outsiders.

> When you finally are sitting nice and cosy at two ends of your
> bed-annex-couch with a hot chocolate, you will read her some of
> your poetry

In my case, it was reciting Lewis Carroll's poetry.  Of course it helped
that she was an English major (at college, that is, not of a regiment!).

> Be a good listener, too. 


> Of course, if somewhere during the process the lady speaks: "Please
> Mr.  Thalmann, I am an innocent young thing, and I am definitely not
> waiting to be abused by a male chauvinist pig like yourself! Behave,
> you naughty boy!", you might as well offer her your bed right away
> and take the couch for yourself.

Umm, I realize you're handicapped by doing this in an L2 (which is
pretty amazing to begin with, IMHO), but *that* wording could only
be a come-on, not a rejection, in this our English tongue.

The Imperials are decadent, 300 pound   John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email>
free-range chickens (except they have   http://www.reutershealth.com
teeth, arms instead of wings and        http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
dinosaurlike tails).                        --Elyse Grasso