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--- In romconlang@yahoogroups.com, Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@y...> wrote: > --- Christian Thalmann <cinga@g...> wrote: > > > ...und so weiter, bis: > > > Did you have (female) company home? > > > > Nope. Notorious virgin at age 24 and counting. > > =((( > > Ha! What a euphemism!! I thought it just meant > for a bit of a chat ond perhaps just to hang out > for a while. > > Silly me! > > Padraic. Contrary to popular belief, one can enjoy the company of a woman in one's own home without indulging in carnal vices. For shame, man, haven't you ever had a friend as a date for a formal occasion? Of course, my Fortunatian alter ego would say that such lascivious thoughts illustrate why true Christians (=Donatists like himself) do not date.