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Re: [romconlang] Re: Translation exercise, were Re: all those bloody pornasters.

 --- Muke Tever skrzypszy:

> Old Ibran days of the week
>        Su deminch ~ deminc [dE"miJcC] ~ [dE"miNk]
>        M  delun      [dE"lun]
>        Tu demart     [dE"mArt]
>        W  demiercrie [dE"mjErkrj@]
>        Th dejof      [dE"dZOv]
>        F  deviendre  [dE"vjEndr@]
>        Sa desant     [dE"zAnt]

I was actually wondering what kind of abbreviations the Ibrans would use for
days. But I suppose Old Ibran is an ancient rather than a modern language. Does
it have modern descendants?


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