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Re: [romconlang] Re: Translation exercise, were Re: all those bloody pornasters.

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 02:00:24 -0000, Christian Thalmann <cinga@hidden.email> wrote:
Did you not have the days yet?

Yep... and worse yet, I still don't have more than this
one! ::ashamed::

OK, here we go. It's 3am and I've just spent seven hours
at the academic ball, but there's always time for
conlanging, right? =D

Monday - Lundsé [,lun'dze:]
Tuesday - Mardsé [,mar'dze:]
Wednesday - Mergudsé [,mErg@'dze:]
Thursday - Joudsé [,jow'dze:]
Friday - Viondsé [,vin'dze:]
Saturday - Tsurdsé [,tsur'dze:]
Sunday - Dowingu [dA'viNg]

I havnt posted here in awhile... [at all?] nor done much conlanging lately, so here goes:

Old Ibran days of the week
      Su deminch ~ deminc [dE"miJcC] ~ [dE"miNk]
	M  delun      [dE"lun]
      Tu demart     [dE"mArt]
      W  demiercrie [dE"mjErkrj@]
      Th dejof      [dE"dZOv]
      F  deviendre  [dE"vjEndr@]
      Sa desant     [dE"zAnt]

<desant> is assimilation aided by folk etymology influencing what shoulda been <desaũt> [de"zAw~t] < *desam(b)t, so "holy day" instead of "sabbath day".

I have a kind of idea that at least dialectally you'd find <dimiercrie> and <diviendre>.


E jer savne zarjé mas ne   (You put music in my heart
Se imné koone'f metha       And with the spirit of an artist
Brissve mé kolé adâ.        I will make the dreamtime)