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--- Muke Tever skrzypszy:Old Ibran days of the week Su deminch ~ deminc [dE"miJcC] ~ [dE"miNk] M delun [dE"lun] Tu demart [dE"mArt] W demiercrie [dE"mjErkrj@] Th dejof [dE"dZOv] F deviendre [dE"vjEndr@] Sa desant [dE"zAnt]I was actually wondering what kind of abbreviations the Ibrans would use for days. But I suppose Old Ibran is an ancient rather than a modern language. Does it have modern descendants?
Yes, it has, but I havnt entirely figured out the sound changes yet :)But I think the abbrevs would detach the <de-> (if the language itself doesnt by that time; they certainly _look_ like <de mart> "of <mart>", no?).
Provisionally: dem (or 'min') lun mar mier jof vien san *Muke! -- http://frath.net/ http://kohath.livejournal.com/ E jer savne zarjᅵ mas ne (You put music in my heart Se imnᅵ koone'f metha And with the spirit of an artist Brissve mᅵ kolᅵ adᅵ. I will make the dreamtime)