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Re: [romanceconlang] My romance lang.

Nik Taylor cazdy:

> Isaac Penzev wrote:
> > I'm quite sure Japanese is much more ideal:

That was irony.

> > all cases are denoted by
> > postpositional particles, there are only 2 irregular verbs
> Four: Kuru, Suru, Iku, and Da.

Well, I meant _kuru_ and _suru_. As for _iku_, it shows irregularity only in
past stem forms: _itta_, _itte_, _ittara_ etc., right? I wonder if _da_ can be
counted as a real verb.

> Plus, certain honorific verbs ending in
> -ru have -i for the 2nd form instead of -ri (kudasaru -> kudasaimasu)
> and -i for the imperative instead of -re (kudasai rather than kudasare)

Haisoudesu. And those tricky verbs that end in -eru/-iru, but still belong to
the I Conjugation (that is, -R- is a part of the stem), e.g. _hashiru_ 'to run'
> _hashiranai_ 'not to run', not *hashinai*...

> > the word order is fixed.
> Word order is fairly free in Japanese, just so long as the verb is
> final.

And so long as subject precedes object, and attribute precedes definée...
Anyway, my Japanese is too rusty (it was almost 10 years ago, and for quite a
short time), so don't take all this seriously :)

With much respect,