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Re: [romanceconlang] Ul torvadoru ad al verra

--- Padraic Brown <elemtilas@hidden.email> wrote:
> Well, as they say, this is a battle song sung by
> the Irish wherever they've marched into war.
> [Since it was written, anyway!] Perhaps there are
> some Irish in the C-a army somewhere? ;)
> Padraic.

i've been thinking about this since you wrote it, and
it just might be possible that there will be some kind
of Irish brigade in some sort of foreign legion in the
1700's or 1800's.  That could make for an interesting
tale.  I could even name the story Ul Trovadoru ad al
Verra.  We'll have to see if that bit od con-history
works out.  Somewhere along the way C-a is going to
spawn some great tales.
