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Yesterday I started working on onomatopoeia for animal sounds with the aid of a web site designed by someone over on the ENFP list. They have gathered the sounds that familiar creatures "make" in numerous languages from Afrikaans to Vietnamese at http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/ballc/animals/animals.html and organized them both by language and by animal. As soon as I found the sound birds make (piu-piu tuid-tuid) I realized that this is also the sound of Florentines talking. That made me think, what other languages were lurking out there among the animal sounds? Animal sound foreign language bird piu-piu tuid-tuid Florentine cat miau-miau French (miau-miau-friau) angry cat fid-fid-friau duck guad-guad Arabic (guad-guad vizz-vizz) bee vizz/vzz fly tizz/tzz donkey ii-hau English cow mbuu crow crau-crau Greek sheep ba-a-a goat me-e-e snake siss/sss dog bau-bau/hav-hav Turkish (bau-bau hav-hav) pig grang-grang Just because your languge has not been insulted in this post doesn't mean uls Carrajus don't associate your speech with some animal noise. It only means that I haven't learnd in what way they disparage you. At least I know they think *I* sound like a donkey. Sheesh! What friendly people. Adam