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Here's the first verse of an Irish folksong translated into Carrajena. The words to the original are in English and Carrajena words tend to be somewhat longer than English words so I've been forced to drop some of the adjectives and other discriptors to keep it singable. Some of you might be able to recognize this song from an eppisode of Star Trek the Next Generation. I'm not sure why I trans lated an *Irish* song as opposed to Ityalian or Tunisian or something else culturally/geographically closer to Carraja but perhaps it has to do with my own Irishness. Anyhow here it is. Ul trovadoru ad al verra avedi idu In uls orrus djils morris jun discuvriji. Ul guadju djil jun parri avevadi chindjidu; Al jun arba avevadi jacuadu arregu. "Marga djals candas," cuamud ul unvelu, "Veu todu ul mundu tu tradju, Junu guadju cunsini tu barrajid; Junu arba fida tu ladajid!" Trovadoru < Prov. verra < Germc. werra by way of guerra guadju < glaudius chindjiri < cingeri arba < Grmc. harpa jacuari < iaculare marga < GRMC. marka barrari < guardare < Grmc. Other terms with etymology upon request. I have a test to protor! Adam