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--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote: <snip> > Fsa cantata do chex rejex The carol of the three kings > I. > Chex rejex an ben y nauch er > Fsaux an ben n'onaur d'er > Fsaux an jenurect ant'er > Fsaux an dat dauna n'er /y/ and /n/ are both froms of "to(wards)" /nauch/ is irregular among adjectives in not taking a case ending The article is often lost after a preposition > II. > Frimau rej an dat dauna n'er > Fsau rej an dat y fsau aur > Frentex d'er naun an fox mer > Aur do rej xort ruct pan xaur /y fsau aur/ is divided /y fsau/ 'to him' /aur/ 'gold' /mer/ < Latin maeror 'sorrow' > III. > Xcundau rej an dat dauna n'er > Fsau rej an dat y fsau tur > Frentex d'er naun an fox mer > Tur do rej xort ruct pan mur > IV. > Techiau rej an dat dauna n'er > Fsau rej an dat y fsau mur > Frentex d'er naun an fox mer > Mur do rej xort xort ruct pan tur Eliminate one /xort/ > V. > Co fsaux rejex at ben huiri > E chirf do rejex naun at ben > Y xy uderex fsau naun ort biri > Co xy raudex naun ort ren /chirf/ should be etymologically /chyrf/ /uderex/ < fideles 'faithful ones, friends'; /xy/ should be elided to [SudereS] /raudex/ refers to deserved praise, not flattery > VI. > Huiri naun at fox pan d'aur > Huiri naun at fox pan do tur > Huiri naun at fox pan xaur > Huiri naun at fox pan do mur > VII. > Fsau huiri at fox bonau can > Poch fach do huiri an bent > Huiri xort ten ko xy man > Fsau can pich pan lent /poch/ < /qu(em) est/: an example of the direct object relative copulative; other manuscripts have the erratum /foch/ < Latin /post/, no doubt influenced by the /f/ or /fach/ 'father' /pich/ < /qui (e)st/: an example of the subject relative copula