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Re: Ninfeano web page

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "Sabrina Laurent" 
<sabrina_l_g@y...> wrote:
> --- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, Jan van Steenbergen 
> <ijzeren_jan@y...> wrote:
> > 
> > For the rest, beautiful work! "Lo Caperucito Rogio" would be a 
> nice translation
> > exercise for other romlangers around here, too.
I wish I could take that advice, but it seems that Classical 
Fortunatian literature is predominantly religious.
> > 
> > Ha! Yes, the vocabulary is always the tough part, eh? Wenedyk has 
> 1,400 words
> > by now, but the link to its vocabulary is still dead.
>   Well, Eamon's going to have to take care of it for me, so it 
> relies on him! But it's going to be a chore: i have over 1700 words!
The comparative method which you have chosen has an elegant result, 
but the process often seems to be longer than the equivalent for a 
priori languages.
>   I'm glad you enjoyed it and i hope the other visitors will too!
>   Thanks for your comments!
>   Sabrina
Pan huorma roca d'arachne, sabrina't eman! mu dau dat y baux fsa dauna 
do kornax.
(How beautiful a website, Sabrine and Eamon! I shall give you a gift 
of cr