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Re: Song of the 3 King (WARNING: LONG)

--- In romanceconlang@yahoogroups.com, "habarakhe4 
<theophilus88@h...>" <theophilus88@h...> wrote:
> Commentary will follow in another message, but I'm curious how much 
> of this is understandable in the the context of other Romance 
> languages.
> Fsa cantata do chex rejex
> I.
> Chex rejex an ben y nauch er
> Fsaux an ben n'onaur d'er
> Fsaux an jenurect ant'er
> Fsaux an dat dauna n'er
Three kings came to our lord
They came to honor the lord
They knelt before the lord
They gave gifts to the lord
> II.
> Frimau rej an dat dauna n'er
> Fsau rej an dat y fsau aur
> Frentex d'er naun an fox mer
> Aur do rej xort ruct pan xaur
The first king gave gifts to the lord
That king gave to him gold
The parents of the lord had no sorrow
The gold of the king shone like (the) sun
> III.
> Xcundau rej an dat dauna n'er
> Fsau rej an dat y fsau tur
> Frentex d'er naun an fox mer
> Tur do rej xort ruct pan mur
The second king gave gifts to the lord
That king gave to him incense
The parents of the lord had no sorrow
The incense of the king shone like myrrh
> IV.
> Techiau rej an dat dauna n'er
> Fsau rej an dat y fsau mur
> Frentex d'er naun an fox mer
> Mur do rej xort xort ruct pan tur
The third king gave gifts to the lord
That king gave to him myrrh
The parents of the lord had no sorrow
The myrrh of the king shone like incense
> V.
> Co fsaux rejex at ben huiri
> E chirf do rejex naun at ben
> Y xy uderex fsau naun ort biri
> Co xy raudex naun ort ren
With the kings came a lad
From the line of kings he did come
Towards his (own) friends he was not crass
With his (own) praises (of others) he was not stinting (thin)
> VI.
> Huiri naun at fox pan d'aur
> Huiri naun at fox pan do tur
> Huiri naun at fox pan xaur
> Huiri naun at fox pan do mur
The lad did not have something like gold
The lad did not have something like incense
The lad did not have something like the sun
The lad did not have something like myrrh
> VII.
> Fsau huiri at fox bonau can
> Poch fach do huiri an bent
> Huiri xort ten ko xy man
> Fsau can pich pan lent
That lad had a good dog
Whom (poch) the father of the lad had bought
The lad held (the dog) with his own hand
The dog who was was other than slow

Now that you have a translations, are there any questions?