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Re: [romanceconlang] Song of the 3 King (WARNING: LONG)

--- "habarakhe4 <theophilus88@hidden.email>"
<theophilus88@hidden.email> wrote:

> Commentary will follow in another message, but
> I'm curious how much 
> of this is understandable in the the context of
> other Romance languages.

Well, clearly it's a song about the Three
Astrologers. They seem to be bearing Aur (gold),
Tur (incense), and Mur (myrrh). A lot of the
words I just don't know; some sentences could be
translated, though, without too much trouble.
There's enough sound changes to make for some

But huzzah for the effort at making a long text,


There was a musician named Packett
who'd had it, he just couldn't hack it;
   he stood with care
   on a cane backed chair
and impaled himself on a rackett.
