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Re: [romanceconlang] Romance to be

I wrote:

> VL.: VOLIS > vor = vor < VOLO (1s); a clitic -et from the pronoun _te_ was
> added: voret, probably to avoid confusion with 1s (later this 1s form
> the ending -i the same way French

add: shows -e where...

>nowadays we'd expect -0: AMO should give
> _aim_ in Fr., while we have _aime_); later also the proclitic _te_ was
> attached in front of the root in analogy with _a_, _i_, _el_, _la_ used
> 1s, 3s, 1-2-3pl. Finally _ti_ started to be used as a _moi_, _toi_ are
> nowadays in French. As for _vialter a voeurov_ the ending _-ov_ dates back
> to a cliticized _vu_, 'you'.