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Re: [romanceconlang] Romance to be

En réponse à Adam Walker <dreamertwo@hidden.email>:

> While many of these Romance terms are clearly derived from the Latin
> word, 
> many others are clearly NOT and some I'm just not quite sure about.

Well, be careful, since even some which *look* like they come from the Latin 
term actually don't :)) . They come from suppletive forms that happen to look 
like the Latin forms but not exactly :)) .

> It would seem that only 6 of the infinitives (Cat. Occ. Ita. Sard. R-R
> and 
> Sic.) come from the Latin infinitive.  Whence do the otheres derive?

In fact none comes from the Latin infinitive. ESSE existed only in Classical 
Latin. The ones you're talking about come from the *Vulgar* Latin ESSERE. 
French comes from STARE: to stand up, Spanish from SEDERE: to sit. I'd guess 
Romanian comes from FI: to become, though I wouldn't bet on it...

> With the Present 1st sg it looks like 6 come from sum.
> With the 2nd sg and 2nd pl it looks like only 2 come from the Latin.
> I'm assuming that the others are suppletive forms and not out right 
> coinages.  Which verms do the other forms come from???

The suppletive forms of "to be", like in English, come from verbs of similar 
meaning. STARE is quite common (like in French, but not in Spanish where it 
made a second "to be" verb: estar), others can be too. Some probably come from 
a conjugation of ESSERE, others from the conjugations of ESSE (Vulgar Latin 
happily mixed both, and differently in different dialects, depending on where 
the analogical phenomena that created ESSERE occured :)) ). Add to that 
analogy, borrowing, addition of new endings from other verbs (well, that's 
analogy too, actually :)) ), all things that are quite common with irregular 
verbs, and you get the result: forms that are not readily comparable :)) .



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