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Re: [jboske] ROI, quantification, and xorlo

On 4/11/07, Arnt Richard Johansen <arj@hidden.email> wrote:
On Tue, Apr 10, 2007 at 08:08:16PM -0300, Jorge Llambías wrote:

> I suppose {pa roi lo cacra} as "once an hour" with a generic hour,
> would also work.

How do we know it's not "once during an unspecified number of hours"?

Context? If it's not clear, you can always ask for more precision:
{pa roi xo cacra be li xo}.

I think it's unlikely that one would use {lo cacra} to refer to some
particular period of some unspecified number of hours though, because
then {cacra} would give zero information, you might as well say just
{pa roi ku}. But perhaps with other words the question might arise, for
example whether {pa roi lo dunra} would be once in some particular
winter or in winters in general.

mu'o mi'e xorxes