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ROI, quantification, and xorlo

I refer to the discussion on http://www.lojban.org/lists/jboske/msg00363.html .

How does/should ROI work when the tagged sumti is a sumti headed by the new version of lo, where there are no default quantifiers? It seems that the total number of recurrences would be undefined.

Is this a problem?

Arnt Richard Johansen                                http://arj.nvg.org/
Your speaker should [...] not be suffering for a cold, or cough, or a
hangover. If something goes wrong [...] it is important that the speaker has
as similar a voice as with the original recording, waiting for another cold
to come along is not reasonable, (though some may argue that the same
hangover can easily be induced).
       --Building Synthetic Voices, by Alan W. Black and Kevin A. Lenzo