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Re: [jboske] No static, democratic (was: essentials of a gadri system)

la xod cusku di'e

> The attribute that distinguishes collectives from pluralities is that a
> collective has at least one interesting emergent property, which the
> speaker is considering. The null property of belonging to a plurality is
> unhelpful and should not be considered. (Flames piped to /dev/grice.) I
> mean instead something like the ability to carry a piano.

But what And was positing here was to consider the collective 
as more basic than the plurality, so one would use collective always 
unless you want to emphasize distributiveness. He would use collective
gadri even in the case of a singleton. 

Emergent properties are not the only distinguishing attribute of 
collective vs. plurality. Purely distributive properties are also
a distinguishing attribute. 

Given a set, there are properties that hold only of each member, 
there are properties that hold only of the group as a whole, and
there are properties that hold both of each member and of the group
as a whole. For the special case of singleton sets, the two sets 
of properties coincide: all group properties are member properties 
and viceversa.

> As Nick as alluded, de-emphasis of this point is what has seduced so many
> otherwise virtuous lojbanists into using mass gadri simply for plurals.

You are assuming that distributive is the default reading of plurals,
but I don't agree that this is the case. I think collective is a more
useful default reading, i.e.  I don't assume distributivity unless
explicitly marked.

> Nick, please think about adding this point to your wiki exposition.

It should ceratinly be pointed out that the members of a set have
some properties that apply only to the members one by one, some
properties that apply only to the members as a whole, and some 
properties that fall in both camps. I don't think we need to regulate 
how to talk about properties that fall in the third category, given 
that we are forced to make a choice of talking of them as group or 
as individual properties.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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