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[jboske] Proposed selma'o KAU?

And Rosta scripsit:

> Someone someday is going the face up to the fact that de facto
> grammar of {kau} is that it can follow any question word, but
> not meaningfully anything else, and write a grammar accordingly,
> using whatever formalism best gets the job done. 

Well, "someone someday" turned out to be "me today".

Despite Lojbab's strictures, I decided to confine the new selma'o
KAU to appear after only those selma'o that actually have question
words in them: viz. CUhE FA GA JA GIhA GUhA A UI KOhA GOhA CAI PA.
In a nutshell, it works fine.  I have attached the necessary context
diff against grammar.300.  In each case, KAU is bound tightly to the
preceding cmavo:  you can't say "sejinaikau" or even "sejikaunai", it
has to be "jikau".  You can, however, say "xokauroi" and "xokaumoi".
And of course it's grammatical to use "kau" after a non-question cmavo
that belongs to one of the above selma'o.

This is a probe of jboskeists: do you think it's worth writing up a
proposal for the byfy, or should we just leave bad enough alone?  I am
a little paranoid about possible trouble because KAU is used in both the
main grammar and the preparser grammar, which has been known to lead to
trouble in the past.

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.ccil.org/~cowan  www.reutershealth.com
"If I have seen farther than others, it is because I am surrounded by dwarves."
        --Murray Gell-Mann
<   grammar.300
>   grammar.301
> %token KAU_549          /*        indirect question marker */
>                         |  KOhA_555  KAU_549
>                         |  KOhA_555  KAU_549  free_modifier_32
>                         |  GOhA_543  KAU_549
>                         |  UI_612  KAU_549
>                         |  CAI_515  KAU_549
>                         |  FA_527  KAU_549
>                         |  FA_527  KAU_549  free_modifier_32
>                         |  A_501  KAU_549
>                         |  JA_546  KAU_549
>                         |  lexer_G_707  GA_537  KAU_549
>                         |  lexer_H_708  GUhA_544  KAU_549
< number_root_961         :  PA_672
<                         |  number_root_961  PA_672
<                         |  number_root_961  lerfu_word_987
> number_root_961         :  number_root_A_962
>                         |  PA_672  KAU_549
>                         ;
> number_root_A_962       :  PA_672
>                         |  number_root_A_962  PA_672
>                         |  number_root_A_962  lerfu_word_987
>                         |  CUhE_522  KAU_549
>                         |  GIhA_541  KAU_549