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Re: [jboske] zi'o blanu

On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, John Cowan wrote:

> Jorge Llambias scripsit:
> > >Sure.  It's a complete bridi, and it's false, you can say that much
> > >right off (because the set of sumti-sequences that makes it true is null).
> >
> > That's an odd definition of false. So would you say that
> > {zi'o na blanu} is a tautology?
> Yes.
> This is a Prolog-based view of predicate meaning, pretty much equivalent
> to Gua\spi's.  If we consider the selbri "dunda", its extensional meaning
> is the set {(John, pants-1, Irene), (John, pants-2, Irene), (John, shoes-1,
> Gale), ...} containing the appropriate ordered triples.  The predicate
> "dunda be fa la djan." has as its extensional meaning a set of ordered
> pairs.
> If the set of ordered n-tuples is empty, there is no true predication
> corresponding to that predicate.  zi'o blanu means a set of no 0-tuples,
> so it is (considered as a full bridi) false.
> > I think {zi'o blanu} can be claimed when there is blueness
> > present but there is nothing of which we can or want to claim
> > that it is blue. {zi'o blanu} and {zi'o xunre} are different
> > predications.
> Intensionally, perhaps.  But they have the same extensional meaning: false.

It's a mirror of the question of importing ro. Doesn't zi'o na blanu have
the same set of valid no 0-tuples as does zi'o blanu? Consider zi'o jetnu
zi'o, which should be considered the negation of zi'o jitfa zi'o, and a
contradiction will emerge. If a statement and its negation are both false,
the statement should be considered meaningless. Falsehood should not be
considered the default truth value.

// if (!terrorist)
// ignore ();
// else
collect_data ();