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Robert LeChevalier scripsit: > > At 03:56 AM 1/14/03 +0000, And Rosta wrote: > >If the BF were to find that CLL does not clearly prescribe your views > >on nu, and consequently calls them into question, would you come up > >with reasons why it is better that nu is +noematic than -noematic? > >I'm curious as to whether you do have reasons, though things are so > >hectic at the moment that actually spelling out those reasons might > >best be left till a future time (or till never, if the BF never > >considers the issue). Essentially because "to be is to be the value of a variable" (Quine). It seems simpler and easier to me to live in a world in which events can be manipulated by strictly extensional predicates without worrying about whether the event reflects what really happened or not: "Caesar being killed in the Forum" is no worse and no better, qua event, than "Brutus being killed in the Forum". > I have no idea what noematic means, and a dictionary definition gives no > clue to me what +/-noematic would mean ... Something is noematic if it transcends time and space; for example, numbers, sets, properties, propositions. According to me, events also. > But fasnu and xanri then got paired as "special" at another > point which involves possible worlds. Actually, xanri wound up being si'o-based rather than nu-based, and has an x2 place for the imaginer. -- John Cowan <jcowan@hidden.email> http://www.reutershealth.com http://www.ccil.org/~cowan .e'osai ko sarji la lojban. Please support Lojban! http://www.lojban.org