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Re: [jboske] wonderful news: ellipsis, zo'e, zi'o (was: RE: Transfinites

And Rosta scripsit:

> Wonderful! So... coupling this with Grice:
> ellipsis can be filled in with whatever would be Griceanly most plausible.
> ergo, it would hardly ever be {no da} (though cf. "A: mi citka no da.
> B: mi go'i"). But sometimes it might be zi'o -- e.g. when talking
> about bottles and tigers.

A bridi with a GOhA at its heart uses different rules, and explicitly
imports all the (semantic) sumti of its antecedent unless they are
overridden: no glorking required.

As for Grice saying that if we can be bothered to say "zo'e", we can be
bothered to say something less specific, I doubt it.  Saying "zo'e"
requires less thought.

John Cowan  jcowan@hidden.email  www.ccil.org/~cowan  www.reutershealth.com
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