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An Amateur note on Substance (was: Transfinites)

> At 09:26 PM 1/11/03 +1100, Nick Nicholas wrote:
> >Since xod, we have been limiting the denotation of {ro} to countable
> >numbers, and tu'o to transinfinte numbers.

In citing papers and facily wielding linguistic terms, the doctors have
surpassed my amateur abilities. I'm very glad; if I represented the
furthest extent of wisdom here, we'd be sunk! I'm looking forward to some
convergence which will then be translated for the rest of us.

I never meant to imply that ro should be restricted to
integers/countables. Upon a little reflection, it seems that the inner
quantifier of a substance should always be 1, referring to all the amount
of that substance in existence. And that any lump with which we deal is
some "piso'u lX 1 broda" of it. I have no problem with treating all the
substance as an individual object, and reserving loi for collectives
(shades of ExSol1!!). This would mean a glass of water is piso'u lo [pa]
djacu; the pa should be implied because listeners know that djacu is a
substance. Two glasses of water is something like le 2boi piso'u lo djacu.

// if (!terrorist)
// ignore ();
// else
collect_data ();