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Re: [jboske] Transfinites

Robert LeChevalier scripsit:

> This again is incompatible with tu'o meaning mo'ezi'o, which requires that 
> there be NO number.

Not what zi'o means, but a common error that I strive to eradicate.

A zi'o sumti does not mean that no value *can* be expressed, but that
the relationship is being constrained ("projected" in relational algebra)
to suppress it.  Thus "klama fo zi'o" does not necessarily involve teleportation
(where there is no route), but it doesn't exclude it either.  So both
teleportation and non-teleportation events are included in klama fo zi'o,
but only non-teleportation is involved in klama without fo zi'o.

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to work and do things as he pleased.    --Mencken, _Declaration of Independence_