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RE: [jboske] Lojbab on tu'o (was: RE: RE: Nick on propositionalism &c

At 12:43 AM 1/13/03 +0000, And Rosta wrote:
> If A is true if zo'e is interpreted as "3", then why do we want anything else?
> zo'e means "some value that makes the sentence true"

Surely not! Else every sentence with an ellipsis would be true by

Of course. We presume that pragmatically people say things they want to communicate as being true.

> zi'o is appropriate
> if no value makes sense at all as in Cowan's example of an
> untranslatable joke

That's not really what zi'o means, but I don't want to get into
a discussion about this now. I'm not sure whether you know what
it means and just described it poorly: you said that zi'o catra
is meaningless to you, which isn't a good sign.

zi'o means what CLL and the cmavo list say it means until/unless the byfy changes it. I'll be satisfied if Cowan (or someone else) gives me a practical example of when one would say zi'o catra, and it would indeed have something to do with catra and not merely morsi binxo


lojbab                                             lojbab@hidden.email
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                    703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban:                 http://www.lojban.org