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RE: [jboske] factivity of nu

At 03:13 PM 1/11/03 -0500, Invent Yourself wrote:
> So actually, yes McGovern was a ka'e, but Sherlock Holmes isn't
> and not all johannine nu are ka'e fasnu.

No good! There is only one reality, all others are (equally) unreal.
President McGovern, Irish Socrates, and the one where I drank hot
chocolate last night are all equally false. The Verification Principle
shows this.

President McGovern doesn't fit since the guy is still alive and thus theoretically still a potential President, so he is still ka'e.

The question is what happens when a potential exists, but is not realized and thus ceases to exist, such as your drinking of hot chocolate. Last night it was ka'e; now it no longer is ka'e. And then there is the question of whether And Rosta drank hot chocolate last night, which was certainly ka'e at the time, and from out point of view lacking explicit knowledge remains something that ka'e jetnu, but whether the potential is realized/realizable has been overcome by events so it may not be ka'e jetnu for And.


lojbab                                             lojbab@hidden.email
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                    703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban:                 http://www.lojban.org