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I have proposed: > Kind: lo broda le broda la broda > Kinds of: PA lo broda PA le broda PA la broda > % of Kinds of: piPA lo broda piPA le broda piPA la broda > Bits of: piPA (loi) (tu'o) broda piPA lei (tu'o) broda piPA lai broda > le piPA broda > Countable: PA (loi) (ro) broda PA lei (ro) broda PA la broda > % of countbls: piPA loi ro broda piPA lei ro broda > Collective: loi (ro) broda lei (ro) broda lai broda > > {piPA le (tu'o) broda} would mean "some of a certain broda", while > {le piPA broda} would mean "a certain bit of broda" > > "% of countables" = proportions of a population of countables -- e.g. > {piso'e loi ro prenu} = "most people"; {piso'e lo (ro) nanmu} = > "most kinds of men" > > {loi re prenu} = "a pair of people" > {lei re prenu} = "a certain pair of people". > {loi piso'e (loi ro) prenu} = {piso'e loi ro prenu} = "a majority of people" > {lei piso'e (loi ro) prenu} = "a certain majority of people" {loi piso'e (loi ro) prenu} = a majority as a collective -- "loi piso'e prenu hold the power in the country" {piso'e loi ro prenu} = a majority as individuals -- "piso'e loi ro prenu enjoy football" > {da poi broda} = {da broda} neutralizes the distinction between > {da (poi) du pa broda} and {da (poi) du pisu'o broda} (and > possibly {da (poi) du pa lo broda} **** This handles *everything* people have been asking for, with *no* new gadri or LAhE. Plus it handles rather nicely a load of useful extra stuff. SL currently handles approximately none of it. Here is a list of main differences from SL: * Default outer PA is mo'ezi'o. (Arguably consistent with usage.) * in a lo/le/la description, broda means "is a kind of broda" not "is a single broda". (Arguably consistent with usage.) * Default gadri is loi, not lo. (Consistent with usage, given other differences.) * Default inner PA is tu'o/mo'ezi'o, except after PAloi. (About as consistent with usage as SL is.) * Inner PA after loi is not a pure cardinality (of the set of all broda) but rather indicates the number of broda in the collective: loi re broda = a pair of broda, loi pimu broda = a group consisting of 1 in every 2 broda. (Not disruptive to usage.) --And.