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Re: [jboske] Needed boxes (was: lo'ie != lo'ei)

At 11:54 AM 12/30/02 -0500, Invent Yourself wrote:
> "mi nitcu 1 mikce" == "There is a single doctor that I need".

The English "There is a single doctor..." implies that I know who, or at
least what characteristics are held by that doctor. Sorry, that's just the
way English is. The rejoiner is "Well if you don't know him and can't say
why he's so special, how do you know he's the only one that can treat
you?" Remember that being able to pick that special doctor out of a
line-up means requires that you have some characteristics broda *in mind*,
which makes it lo mikce poi broda or le mikce. And then, of course, it
becomes "any single doctor like X", or "any single doctor of the set I
have in mind". The virtual "any" can remain in there even if you're
referring to a single individual.

Since you can't pick him out of a lineup, it's "any single doctor".

Can someone remind me why "I need a doctor" isn't

mi nitcu ledu'u so'uda cu mikce mi

Similarly "I need a box" as

(de zo'u) mi nitcu ledu'u (da zo'u) da tanxe de


lojbab                                             lojbab@hidden.email
Bob LeChevalier, President, The Logical Language Group, Inc.
2904 Beau Lane, Fairfax VA 22031-1303 USA                    703-385-0273
Artificial language Loglan/Lojban:                 http://www.lojban.org