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Re: [jboske] Digest Number 136

la nitcion cusku di'e

Or... there is something else we didn't look at:

pa loi broda?

What is re loi broda?

Two masses of all broda? It doesn't seem to make sense,
it's like {ze le ci broda}, "seven of the three broda".

How is re loi djacu distinct from re lo djacu? Is
it at all?

Yes, {re lo djacu} is two quantities out of all the quantities
of water there are. {re loi djacu} is two quantities, each
of which consists of all the water there is.

Does re loi broda mean two scoops of humanity, or is it
limited to two groups of people?

{re loi remna} would be "two humanities".

To do two groups of people we could use {re lu'o lo prenu}
two masses, each of which consists of at least one person.
This depends on how LAhEs work though, something that BF will
have to clarify.

mu'o mi'e xorxes

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