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Re: [jboske] ti (was: RE: kau

Invent Yourself scripsit:

> I, on the other hand, take ti literally. It refers to physical objects and
> physical distances relative to speaker and listeners. 

Well, my position is close to this one, but I allow certain bending of space
such that some things (tangible, point-at-able things) are closer or further
away than a pure Newtonian (or Minkowskian) metric would allow.  For
example, if I were a waldo operator, I wouldn't hesitate to say "ti" for
an object close to the waldo, even if my body were distant from it.  I might
almost say, with Daniel Dennett, that it's the location of my point of view
that counts.

"May the hair on your toes never fall out!"     John Cowan
        --Thorin Oakenshield (to Bilbo)         jcowan@hidden.email