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la djorden cusku di'e
Seems that a lot of use of mu'ei is either going to be ro or su'o. (probably mostly the former). What about making a pair of cmavo in selma'o TAhE (roi doesn't allow having a default for the number) which do that? If the one for ro could be single syllable it would be all the better: perhaps 'xau'. Not sure if the one for su'o is as useful, and as such if it's even worth creating I'd definitely not recommend a xVV for it.
{bi'ai} has already been proposed for {naku ka'e naku}, which corresponds to {romu'ei} if {ka'e} is {su'omu'ei}. I still don't understand the distinction you make between {ka'e} and {su'omu'ei}. Could you give an example in Lojban where one would be true and the other false?
(note that doing as such would make for counterfactual conditionals taking no more syllables than indicative ones: mi xaugi xagji gi citka vs. mi ganai xagji gi citka).
That means that if I were hungry then I would (necessarily) eat, doesn't it? Alas, not everybody can make that claim! Probably there is an implied {ai} or something. mu'o mi'e xorxes _________________________________________________________________Protect your PC - get McAfee.com VirusScan Online http://clinic.mcafee.com/clinic/ibuy/campaign.asp?cid=3963