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Re: [jboske] inner quantifier of e-gadri (was: RE: putative tense scope effects

In a message dated 11/6/2002 5:47:29 PM Central Standard Time, a.rosta@hidden.email writes:
I was arguing that {le'i} can be {le'i no}. If {le} is defined in terms
of {le'i} then the referent-set of {le} cannot always be defined by
the individuals I have in mind. Essentially I want to argue that
(presupposition apart) {(ro) le ro broda} is equivalent to {ro co'e je
broda}, where sometimes co'e is to be understood as a shared property
and sometimes it is to be understood as "is John or Bill or Jim"
= "is a member of a certain ext-defined set".

Let's see.  I agree that {le'i} should be able to be {le'i no} -- the empty set I pick out (typically what set I am thinking of it as a subset to). This entails a change from something pretty clear in CLL and your wiggle does not seem a convincing one at the moment. I can't think of a good reason for defining {le} in terms of {le'i} nor for doing it the other way (and the empty set problem is one of the reasons against doing either). I assume that when you say {ro le ro broda} = ro co'e je broda} you are assuming that {broda} is veridical (is that what "presuppositions apart"  means?  this doesn't look like a presuppositional thingy ).  But if you do use this definition, how do you distinguish this from {ro lo ro co'e je broda}?  Ah, you don't, which seems odd, somehow but does make a kind of sense -- {le broda}  is just about a subset of {lo broda}. 

I don't know what meaning {ro} has as a cardinality indicator.
Probably not much more than {su'o} -- but that sets it off from {tu'o} at least.

Okay. so'e as a cardinal is not meaningless but is nonsensical.
Well, not nonsensical in any technical sense, just not very helpful.  (I suppose it could be taken as requiring at least three objects, but that is iffy.)

I reckon that ro was chosen for the default in the
belief that it is tantamount to having no default.
That may be right, but my recollection is that it was picked in the belief (over my objection, of course) that {ro} included 0.