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RE: Re: RE: Re: [jboske] lo'e

> de'i li 2002-10-25 ti'u li 13:29:00 la'o zoi. Jorge Llambias .zoi cusku di'e
> >When I proposed that I was assuming that voi/voi'i included
> >specificity, not just non-veridicality. If they don't then
> >change to:
> >
> >broda lo'e brode --> kairbroda tu'o ka ce'u cmima lo'i brode
> >broda le'e brode --> kairbroda tu'o ka ce'u cmima le'i brode
> So what would be an example where you would use 'le'ei' instead of 'lo'ei'?

{mi nitcu le'ei cukta} = "I need any of the books".
