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In a message dated 10/24/2002 10:44:41 AM Central Daylight Time, cowan@hidden.email writes: << I think this is a confusion. For me, "I am a novelist who doesn't write >> Whew! Yes, I think that one must distinguish -- for producers -- between the ones tht produce and the soi disant cases. For the real producer, he produces real things and thus just {lo} will do fro them. The soi disant producer would be, in Lojban, a tanrued product producer, never the producer of a product. So both those cases go off the problem list altogether (and we won't miss them, since they really do clutter). << Pace And, I don't know any way to become a lion-tamer without taming, or participating in the taming, of at least one actual lion, any more than one can become an automobile driver by reading a book. >> Well, this may be soi disant again, but here the matter seems a bit different. The fact that I have never tamed a lion does not BY ITSELF (and I think I remembered that caveat everywhere) keep me from being a lion tamer; it is the further information that one cannot become a lion tamer without practice on a few real lions that does it. Outside academia I cannot think of a lot of cases of this sort which will not fail when there are no cases because of the preconditions for the jibe. (One is, alas, a teacher even though one has never taught anyone anything -- perhaps the dumbness job prep program in the world). |