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Re: [engelang] Re: Engelang phonology chat

Mike S. scripsit:

> That'd be a good choice if Lojban rules didn't declare [y] declare a
> variant of /i/.  Rounding is defined as nondistinctive in Lojban, so I
> believe that /1/ and its rounded variant are the only choices enjoying a
> significant chunk of vowel space.

What's worse is that the whole of North America and parts of the U.K. are
steadily moving /u/ forward toward [y], generation by generation.
Ghosts no longer say [bu:]; they now say [bu\:], and fairly shortly it
may well be [by:] outright.

At the end of the Metatarsal Age, the dinosaurs     John Cowan
abruptly vanished. The theory that a single         cowan@hidden.email
catastrophic event may have been responsible        http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
has been strengthened by the recent discovery of
a worldwide layer of whipped cream marking the
Creosote-Tutelary boundary.             --Science Made Stupid