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On Mar 19, 2006, at 8:37 PM, Jim Henry wrote:
On 3/19/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:How's this sound. Take 'peni' from French 'penible' for difficult,and reverse to 'pine' for easy?....For 'easy', I find Hungarian könnyu, which could be Tceqliized askonyu, or Sanskrit sarala, which seems a syllable too long. Now, we -could- have 'fsil', but that's a little too consonant-clustery even for me.Is the /uj/ in "kuyno" a permitted diphthong in Tceqli, though?I found Korean 'swiun', but I'm not sure how to pronounce it, and it may be a little too complex phonetically in any case.Reversed as "snuiw" if I guess right... yeah, if the base word isn't too hairy, the reversal certainly is. Greek has /xalepOn/, which might be truncated to "hal" -> "hla"? No, bad idea.
Thing about this is, tho, I've been convinced that 'easy' doesn't need a reversible, as it or it's opp won't be used a great deal in compounds, I think.
I'm wondering if we'd need 'hal' for anything more important. We might, but we could certainly use 'hale'. kom banana hale. kom kala pohale. go hale finfa to kam. tcasa hon hale bekan.
Okay, I like 'hale' and 'pohale'. Putting them in the dictionary. go danko vorgu stafa da.
Rex May rmay@hidden.email See some of my cartoons at: http://homepage.mac.com/rmay/ NOW UPDATED REGULARLY!