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Re: [ceqli] easy

On 3/19/06, Rex May <rmay@hidden.email> wrote:

> >>> How's this sound.  Take 'peni' from French 'penible' for difficult,
> >>> and reverse to 'pine' for easy?
> For 'easy', I find Hungarian könnyu, which could be Tceqliized as
> konyu, or Sanskrit sarala, which seems a syllable too long.  Now, we -
> could- have 'fsil', but that's a little too consonant-clustery even
> for me.

Is the /uj/ in "kuyno" a permitted diphthong in Tceqli, though?

> I found Korean 'swiun', but I'm not sure how to pronounce it, and it
> may be a little too complex phonetically in any case.

Reversed as "snuiw" if I guess right... yeah, if the base word
isn't too hairy, the reversal certainly is.

Greek has /xalepOn/, which might be truncated to "hal"
-> "hla"?  No, bad idea.

Jim Henry