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On 3/19/06, sasxsek@hidden.email <sasxsek@hidden.email> wrote: > > > How's this sound. Take 'peni' from French 'penible' for difficult, > > and reverse to 'pine' for easy? > > They sound too much alike. I always wondered given the source > languages, why not just use the Mandarin prefix <bu> for opposites. It > would fit in very well with the rest of the Tceqli schema. There's often a difference between "not-X" and "un-X". Tceqli needs to keep the distinction between po- (opposite) and bu- (not). I'm kind of ambivalent about the reversals, but they do fit the language's ethos of striving for conciseness. Dana is probably right about "pine" and "peni" being a little too close in sound, though. -- Jim Henry http://www.pobox.com/~jimhenry/conlang.htm